WiziShop: Discover SEO-powered ecommerce

WiziShop is an intuitive ecommerce solution for aspiring entrepreneurs. Founded in France in 2008, they have just launched their solution internationally and are looking to increase the visibility of their e-merchants sites above their competitors with their SEO-optimized platform.

The power of SEO

SEO is incredibly important for any website but particularly for those looking to build and develop a business online. Building a business is a long-term commitment, and with no visibility online, it can be an arduous task. SEO is one of the most overlooked yet best long-term strategies to bring reliable, cost-effective, and consistent success to any online business. Whether you are new to the SEO game, a specialist, or an expert, WiziShop is ready to guide you and help take businesses to the next level and achieve real online success.

Revolutionizing the ecommerce market

WiziShop is the most optimized and powerful ecommerce solution for SEO available on the market. The platform has over 50 technical optimizations included, as well as a great number of tools for analyzing and improving site content.

Technically, the solution has many powerful features, with a central SEO dashboard to help e-merchants manage and optimize their SEO.

Web performance is optimized; the AMP format can be implemented, and WebP-formatted images are automatically generated. The code present in WiziShop stores is entirely minified and compressed, and the vast majority of their stores' pages use the LazyLoading system.

WiziShop is the first SaaS ecommerce platform in the world to make log analysis available. The structured data of the stores is optimized, with organization, website, product, offer, BreadcrumbList, and FAQ Page markups, to name just a few. Platform users can edit the Robots.txt file, which is automatically generated on their store and contains all the default settings, allowing them to maximize their crawl budget and avoid the crawling of pages that aren’t advantageous for SEO.

In terms of page structure, with the WiziShop platform, users are completely autonomous regarding their Hn structure. Users are also able to manage their products that are out of stock so that they don’t have to delete their product pages and lose their hard-earned SEO.

These are just some of the optimizations that are all integrated natively in the WiziShop platform. And if users aren’t familiar with SEO terminology, help is never far away.

Knowledge is power

WiziShop have already curated an in-depth ebook on the power and importance of SEO for ecommerce, with advice pieces from a collection of experts in the SEO world, including Semrush, Majestic SEO, Kristina Azarenko and many others. The resources included enable store owners to optimize their positioning on Google and ensure that they are following all the best practices.

There is also a dedicated SEO category on the WiziShop blog, updated weekly, with advice and tips on how e-merchants can improve their SEO to stand out from their competition, as well as regular live masterclasses. All of this is supported by a team of ecommerce experts, WiziShop Business Coaches, who are on hand to help the e-merchants with their SEO and broader marketing strategies.

Head to wizishop.com to find out more or contact Michele Mossali at michele@wizishop.com for any further information or interview requests. All images and resources can be found here.

WiziShop is the all-in-one platform for ecommerce. Their cloud-based solutions make it easier to gain visibility and sell products and services online by harnessing the power of SEO. They invest in their customers’ success with comprehensive training and a passionate team of Business Coaches, allowing users to focus on what matters to them: building and scaling successful, long-term online businesses.

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About WiziShop

WiziShop is the all-in-one platform for ecommerce. Their cloud-based solutions make it easier to gain visibility and sell products and services online by harnessing the power of SEO. They invest in their customers’ success with comprehensive training and a passionate team of Business Coaches, allowing users to focus on what matters to them: building and scaling successful, long-term online businesses.